The information provided by Toyota Fleet Management (TFM), a division of Toyota Finance Australia Limited ABN 48 002 435 181, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 392536, on this website is of a general nature and for your information only. Nothing on this website constitutes or should be considered to constitute legal, taxation or financial advice. Before making a decision about any product or service featured on this website, TFM recommends that you seek independent professional advice about that product or service, such as from your accountant, taxation or financial adviser or lawyer, who can advise you about your personal circumstances and what would be suitable for you.
[F15] Based on a 2019 Residual Value Performance study by Glass’s Information Services Pty Ltd. The Top 4 highest 4 year old Residual Value competitor models, for each vehicle segment, have been chosen to compare against the relevant Toyota models. The resale values provided in the report are at year make model level. Variant, series, body, engine transmission is averaged in order to calculate comparison at model level.
[T5] Applicable to new vehicles used for a commercial purpose, such as taxis, hire vehicles and vehicles transporting people or goods for payment including rideshare, delivered on or after 01/01/2019. The commercial vehicle Toyota Warranty Advantage period is for 5 years from delivery or 160,000kms (whichever occurs first). See toyota.com.au/owners/warranty or your vehicle’s Warranty and Service Book for T&Cs. This warranty does not limit and may not necessarily exceed your rights under the Australian Consumer Law.